We are super excited and honored to be apart of “let Linden Shine”. We were approached by a member of the Linden Heritage Foundation that reached out to us and asked if we could make something that would pay tribute to the Historic linden Water Tower. They Explained to us that they would be adding lighting to the towns 1934 Water Tower and thought if we could make a custom art piece it would be a great way to raise donations and get the community exited about the cause. The design was based off of a picture one of the local photographers provided to us. There is about 7 hours in just the drawing of this piece not including cutting, scribing, grinding, buffing and painting.
We would like to Thank everyone at the Linden Heritage Foundation, Linden Main Street and The Entire Community of Linden for letting us be apart of This Historic Event!
For more information on the Linden Heritage Fodations you can visit them their website: www.lindenheritage.org